TN Reconnect banner


Chattanooga State seeks to locate and re-engage adults as a part of Tennessee's Drive to 55 campaign. We are looking for qualifying students to help in financing the education they desire right now. To see if you're eligible for TN Reconnect simply check out the "Guidelines to Qualify" below. Then, if you're eligible, please complete the TN Reconnect Application.



RSVP - TN Reconnect Info Session

Chattanooga State is offering TN Reconnect Info Sessions. If interested, please RSVP for a session. You should receive an invite within 24 hours. See you at the meeting!

Adult Services Banner

Will you be at least 23 years old by January 1st, OR are you classified as an independent on the FAFSA? The Adult Services Center is here to help you. We Provide...

  • information regarding TN Reconnect and guidance with the Reconnect process
  • personalized assistance for admissions, readmission, and/or transfer
  • assistance with understanding academic policies, rules and regulations
  • an abundance of information and forms regarding services, offices and departments at the college
  • information on careers, childcare, financial aid, housing and personalized referral to other college services
  • mentoring
  • information regarding the National Spire Honor Society and coordinate the selection process
  • student success sessions, seminars and special events
  • acknowledgement through college credit of your prior work experience (PLA)

Veterans Affairs

TCAT & TN Reconnect

Prior Learning

Spire Honor Society